Parents pay more clothing, telephone and gifts for their children. They'll have to watch the best for their children, but experts warn, with ever pull the purse.
Over the past three years, more parents will pay for their children. Previously received less than half of the students all the clothes and shoes of mom and dad, now that number has risen to 56 percent. The phone bill is going more directly to the parents; this percentage increased from 54 to 61. For gifts, such as birthdays of friends and family, now attracts 29 percent of parents wallet, compared to 17 percent in 2013.
This is evident from Nibud Pupil Survey published today. For 32 years does the National Institute for Budget Information representative investigation into the finances of students.Nearly 3,500 adolescents aged 12 to 18 answered questions about their income and expenses.
fixed expenses
Nibud finds it worrisome that more parents again have to pay for their offspring. ,, Young people should learn to fixed costs to go, '' explains spokesperson Gabriella Bettonville. By allowing them to manage the money themselves, they teach the teenagers plans, be aware of what things cost and show them the consequences if they are over budget. Bettonville: ,, These are skills that they have something the rest of their lives. They must learn to make their own choices and to foresee the consequences. ''
Studies show that a good financial education is necessary. Young people who have not learned to money to go, have become more likely in debt as they indeed must fend for themselves. ,, If a teen does not pay his phone bill, parents look almost straight away. Pay those after his eighteenth health insurance does not, he gets equal collection costs for choose. Then the impact is greater, '' Nadja Jungmann explains lecturer Debt and Debt at the Hogeschool Utrecht.
Parents are not always aware of it, thinks Nibud. ,, It seems like they want to do it too good for their children and are protective. They leave too much sitting on the passenger seat the young, while they have to do it themselves, '' said Bettonville. Nevertheless, in all the years of research that fluctuates how many teenagers have to pay. Nibud can not explain exactly developments. To get the assessments of the educators in focus, the institute wants to do additional research.
Jo Hermanns, Emeritus Professor of Pedagogy, thinks that parents want their children now say the economy is better. Furthermore, parents today have more time to give their children a good financial education. They will in most cases only their 24th from home.
But whether these parents to patronize a lot of their children? According Hermanns is it so bad. ,, Most parents talk to their children about finances. And saves the majority of teenagers. It's not that all these children are placed very pampered, '' he explains.
For example, the parents see it myself. Of course, the family goes financially for the wind.But whether they are really spoiled? ,, It's not that my son so gets what he wants, '' said father Charles. The bank account of the boy (16) is paid monthly 75 euros pocket money.That money should spend spare the teen or yourself. His parents pay for clothing, phone bills, vacations, sports and music lessons and school. Charles: ,, The money is there. We do it maybe not according to the rules Nibud, but my older children still seem quite financially independent. ''
When mother Sandra same rules apply to her sons (13 and 15). However, these parents encourage their children to find a job. ,, As the oldest of 16 euros comes home after a morning and that same evening should already give a tenner to donate a birthday, it works demotivating. I think he should be able to save. And we make him really aware of prices. In many purchases we would also say how many hours he had to work to buy it. ''
By editorial AD Photo: Thinkstock
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