A sweet, Christian care farm for damaged people. So it seemed. Inside were the healthcare of E. Aaldert (75) ran in Ridderkerk and Meerkerk 'hell.'
,, Finally, finally you unmasked ', biting one of his alleged victims to him. She reads in the Dordrecht District Court itself her victim statement. Two meters of her former tormentor. ,, With unctuous your prayers. You do you if the son of God, but on the Neshoeve I was just a prey for the devil. ''
Her voice falters sometimes the emotion. E. hear it. Earlier, during the meeting he is already burst into tears. ,, I can not place it. I feel completely powerless. ''
Yes, he had sex with several women in the institution. In both the Neshoeve in Ridderkerk, from the early 90s until 2008, and in its most recently established foundation: the now disused Homestead Jedidja in Meerkerk.
Hug Therapy
E., who was acquitted of abusing female clients in 2006, often traveled with the women he had under his wing, he admits in front of the court. But, he says, there was never any question of coercion. In addition, women were not a client, but employees. ,, You gave them tasks. The team made them, while they care needed? "" Summarizes the court together. ,, No, '' Van E. says ,, Who was the team did not care anymore, but performance reviews. "" And the touch was sometimes 'healing' '' said Van E., who is also a "hug therapy" would have been developed for people who have difficulty with touches.
The Neshoeve and Jedidja counted quite a few former clients who are there on a voluntary basis, after a short or long treatment in employment or volunteer were taken. They continued to live there.
Crazy? No, according to a witness who speaks of 'crafty manipulation. ,, Even if they recognize that voluntary sex is:. Which women have been damaged '' The sex is, in short, indeed undesirable. Rape ,, with a gun on your head is horrible, but this is worse, '' says a victim.
A doctor, who declared treated clients from Ridderkerkse Neshoeve,: ,, He took vulnerable clients in service and made them that way financially dependent '' He had, as it turned out yesterday, more tricks.. So he made sure that all clients registered the farm as their home address. Care and shelter they paid from their personal budget (PGB). Move just so there was not.
Rope in
The most refined, Van Es way to win over. ,, I stopped at one point so much from him. As a daughter, '' recounts a victim. And: ,, Only afterwards I thought, what therapist now insists that his client buys a lingerie '' They also underwent an exorcism?. Sectarian ,, was. Scary. "" Against Of E .: With the Bible in hand you committed adultery. ''
Women are damaged, more than before their "therapy", their lawyer says. A Member is of victim read a statement from a woman: ,, your reading glasses. With that string. You took off and started having sex. Now when I see his reading glasses with my psychotherapist, I panic. How horribly disfigured you have me? ""
The hearing continues today. Then it's over to the prosecutor and the lawyers. E, which is stuck over a year, accused of crimes committed between 1997 and 2014. It involves systematic rape, sexual assault, and abuse of dominance by forcing women to indecent acts.
He himself denies any wrongdoing and says that certainly conspire three women, out of resentment over the fact that the relationships ended. He was abused in his youth, he says.,, I have done nothing wrong. ''
From the Dordrecht District Court does reporter Judy Boluijt report
By editorial AD Photo: / Drawing Petra Urban
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