The municipality of Almelo has been hacked, it was announced Friday. In total stolen 20 gigabytes of data. How shocking is that leak? According Ancilla of Reads, leader of Pirate Party Netherlands, it mainly shows that municipalities their affairs are not in order.
,, The fact that it has been stolen by malware, it indicates that there is very likely evil intentions '' says Van de Leest. But what those intentions are exactly, remains to be seen.Until now, the fact is not clear what exactly hacked. For the citizens of Almelo is a hell though. ,, Citizens from Almelo who it happened to, are completely powerless. You have to hope that your data will not be misused seriously. ''
The consequences can be significant, says the politician. ,, If there are copies of passports when sitting, for example, there may be a loan to be closed on a person's name. Or bought a car. Criminals are not stupid, thinking beyond a purse snatching. This is the crime of the future. "" Biggest problem is, according to Van de Leest companies treat this as their problem. Moreover, not even grasp governments. ,, While they are often the source of the leaked data. "
Poor security
The leak mainly shows that municipalities have the bad in order their security, says the politician. ,, This data hack is now being discovered by accident in Almelo, but you can bet that it plays in many more communities. "" The Hotline Data breaches of the Authority Personal however, ensured that almost forced businesses and agencies are the to indicate if there is a leak. ,, This is a good development, but is independent of the fact that it is handled very badly with personal data. "
By editorial AD Photo: Mark Kohn
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