The balloon on the introduction of a state of emergency that N-VA opliet late August, gets concrete form in a note. Judicial review would be postponed until after raids and preventive arrests. Reported that the VRT.
When the N-VA suggested during the summer that Belgium should be able to declare a state of emergency, echoed criticism from all banks. Internal debate has now led to a consensus within the party about how such emergency should look like.
At present the memorandum would be submitted to the party leadership, but chairman Bart De Wever assumes that he will soon be widely accepted. Thereafter, the N-VA can use it at the government table.The chance that the party that gets a lot of support, it seems - on the basis of previous comments - small.
The memorandum would include any of the shift from judicial control. "It also exists in other countries. It's not that the judicial control is lifted, but when the state of emergency would be in force, such as now in France, the judicial control shifts to post, "said De Wever on the VRT. "In such a context, you have to act first and then check only."
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