The truth lies in the street, why would anyone see it? 200 conspiracy theorists about the attacks in New York came together last weekend in the Jaarbeurs.
Oh yes, says the 55-year-old teacher Carolyn Ostend. Bring on those prejudices. That all people who, like them, doubting the official story of September 11 sneue figures who scour 'somewhere in an attic "shadowy sites. Ostend horrified them: ,, We would all together have enormous benefit if we were not all that caught the authorities would have us believe. '
A day among "like-minded": that's one of the reasons that Van Oostende is for Congress '15 year 9/11 - signed Liberation of Deceit. " A day among people with "a critical spirit. ,, For anyone who knows engrossed in nine eleven: there's something wrong. '
There are about two hundred people in the Jaarbeurs hall. They offer this free Saturday radiant Van Oostende "with love" to another to hear each other that was not bin Laden, the bad guy, but President Bush himself. All gaps are in the official story received with thunderous applause. One of the speakers and heroes of this company: the controversial TU lecturer and author Coen Vermeeren. His conclusion: the relatively light 'terror planes' solid skyscrapers may never have harmed so many that they collapsed. There must be tampered with explosives.
Who then pushed the US president to murder nearly 3,000 Americans? Who benefited from it? Where it led to? Those questions have neither made in this company, nor to be answered. Because A, which was obviously "the military-industrial complex" that would prepare the ground for the War on Terror to, B, create more chaos and to sell weapons, so that we, C, now all together with a grave crisis are in the Middle East.
And ordinary journalism? That makes the story for fear are the own skin, the panel analyzes led by former NIS presenter Noraly Beyer. But what does it matter? Social media and critical citizens take the roll media according to Mary Boekelen ( 'citizen journalist' to We Are Change) now on. Something Beyer agrees to the amusement of the audience: ,, Ten years from now no one looks more the NOS News. '
Soon, by the way is not just about New York, but also about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation on the story that the Bijlmer Gear El was already, on Western Ukraine which sits behind MH17 disaster, about UFOs, about the Bilderberg Conference. And, oh yes, a woman would just like to know if someone likes' on 9/11 "account" with the Coptic calendar.That question gets even dr. Ir. Coen Vermeeren silent.
Participant Carolyn Ostend says with regret in his voice: the "conspiracy theorists" are few.But there is "something going." Also architect Wico Valk, one of the other speakers, is convinced that "there comes a day" that everyone sees through the lies. ,, If you see it once, you can not do if you do not see. ''
By Editors AD: AP Photo
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