House doctors retrieve medical records crack

Gepubliceerd op 16 september 2016 om 11:46

Municipalities, insurance companies, health and safety services and other agencies often ask people to their entire medical file at their GP and to hand over, while this may not at all.


This allows the Rural General Practitioners Association (LHV) based on an interrogation of 175 of its members.

The LHV represents such a 11,000 general practitioners and family doctors in training. Of the surveyed doctors said nearly 60 percent several times a year to get a request from a patient to his medical file.

Nine out of ten give patients access, but the same number of doctors asks why people want to see their file. The reason, or one of them if patients have more than one, is often an instance the patient signed, thus the LHV. Other frequently mentioned reasons are that a patient of doctor changes or try to check the contents of the file.

"The problem is that many patients do not know their rights," says GP Carin Littooij, who is also on the Board of the LHV is. "Doubt you as family doctor about the provision of the requested information, then it's a good idea to discuss this with the patient. The right of patients to access may never be forgotten. "

A spokesman added that authorities, provided they get permission from the patient, with a targeted question directly to the healthcare provider-in this case the family practice-to turn.

The Association of Netherlands municipalities (VNG) admits that there is "much room for improvement". "It's not good as municipalities complete files. The client must be confident that there is careful with personal data and that only competent people end up, "said a spokeswoman. According to her there are talks to implement improvements.

By the editor Telegraph: Photo: REUTERS

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