The threat of terrorist attacks is in years not so great as it is today. That says the boss of the General Intelligence and security service (AIVD), Rob Bertholee.
AIVD-boss Bertholee Warns Netherlands
Delve deeper into the nature of the threat can the AIVD-boss, however, not because that could do the information work. ,, Frustrating '' Bertholee said.
,, The threat has never been so great since I got here five years ago was head of the service. Since I saw the end of 2012 the number of uitreizigers increase. Now there are 260. If you're at IS, are you involved in violence, that applies to everyone. Look at the recent detention of women in Paris. Also they are willing to commit '' attacks, the AIVD-boss Saturday in an interview in the times.
Encryption chats
The threat is multiple. Traumatized returnees, returnees who deliberately immerse themselves in the community to save and later people who is using social media be inspired, are all a danger.
To fight better, wants Bertholee that his service encryption of chat applications always undo. France and Germany want to restrict the encryption go, the Dutch Cabinet not because those millions of users also security. That privacy can come, according to Bertholee but in the bargain. ,, Then you should accept that your safety. Then you must ask ourselves how much security is privacy worth to you? ''
The AIVD-boss said protection of privacy is also important, but people who have privacy as the highest goal that as excited pursuit if they are victims of an attack? If they know that they have allowed such a thing happened? ''
By the editor Telegraph: Photo: Hollandse Hoogte
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