Questioning optimistic plague figures OCW

Gepubliceerd op 20 september 2016 om 10:47

From a monitor of the Ministry of education (OCW) shows that 10 percent of primary school students one or more times a month is bullied. Two years ago that was still 14 percent. In secondary schools the number of person psychologically harassed, pupils from 11 to 8 percent. Where do these figures come from?

Naamloos-3307.pngThe Ministry has carried out a survey among 12,717 pupils in Group 7 and 8 of the primary (Special) education and pupils in secondary 22,309 (Special) education. The Ministry kept the same poll in 2014 to the plague experience by students to wrists. The research results are purely based on the experience of the students.

State Secretary Davis notes that bullying is decreasing. What do other experts that?

Children's Ombudsman Margrite Calf farmer noted last week in the AD that the plague protocols in schools is not effective enough and that too often children are bullied. That message, she released at the request of children she met during her children's tour. ,, We hear in several places that children still be bullied.

I take these signals very seriously '', said Calf farmer. The children's phone also lets hear a different sound. Bullying is one of the topics where children most frequently about calling. Last year earned that over 25,000 calls on, the first half year of 2016 thick 12,000. ,, A decrease in bullying, we do not see in our figures. But in any case we know not whether it bullying less or more, '' said spokesman Martine Baku.

Based on the figures that EDUCATION, CULTURE and SCIENCE is used to draw a hard conclusion?

Netherlands. ,, The research is repeated with exactly the same question, so that would indicate that the problem has become less '', says René Veenstra, Professor of sociology at the University of Groningen. Yet he places a hand drawings. ,, If more in detail was questioned, was there might have been a different outcome. ''

In addition, says PhD candidate Beau Oldenburg, the result the next time so different. A trend over several years is lacking. She also doubts whether the drop is significant. ,, The Department presents the as a huge victory, but I think the difference is minimal. I ask me for-been wondering why it would be. ''

EDUCATION, CULTURE and SCIENCE States that it is a representative study. However, there are above average first and second year pupils and relatively few high school students of higher secondary school and pre-university classes responded.

By the editors AD: Photo: Shutterstock

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