Ten years in prison and tbs for killer nurse Linda van der Giesen

Gepubliceerd op 27 september 2016 om 15:22

John F. convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend Linda van der Giesen. He has to ten years in prison and get TBS. According to the judge, it is proved that he Linda premeditated shot dead at a hospital in Waalwijk.

Tien jaar cel en tbs voor moordenaar verpleegster Linda van der Giesen

The Prosecution also had ten years in prison and TBS demanded. John F. would have been desperate when the 28-year-old Linda and another ex he made life miserable after he was cheating. So they would have to send off a motorcycle on him.

Murder proven

Because, he also had financial problems and could not see his son, he was suicidal. He stated that he wanted to kill himself in front of Linda and her therefore had met at the Two Cities Hospital in Waalwijk, where Linda worked as a nurse. He says he shot her to death by a psychosis.

His lawyer pleaded for that reason for manslaughter instead of murder. The judge did not go into it, because he was wearing some time walking around with the plan, gloves and very targeted expired on her and shot her to death.

Declaring threat

Two weeks before her death, Linda had reported threats from her ex-boyfriend. Two days later she sent a further email, in which she said she thought he had a weapon. John F. and his lawyer were not present in the case.

By Editors RTL News: Photo: Facebook

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