Punish drivers do drink nothing

Gepubliceerd op 5 oktober 2016 om 08:51

People with large amounts of alcohol to get caught behind the wheel, are totally insensitive to the current sanctions.


Traditional measures, such as excessive fines or disqualification from driving, like 'no, or hardly have any effect on this group of offenders is clear from the new report "Heavy alcohol offenders in traffic' traffic research SWOV.

Simultaneously, about two-thirds of all serious alcohol-related crashes, or between 50 and 95 deaths per year caused by heavy alcohol offenders. There are in the Netherlands an estimated 90,000 to 125,000, but the police keep annually only about 7,500 culprits to.

Usually they are men, the researchers said. They are relatively often single and low educated. They are also very dependent on alcohol and various psychiatric problems. In addition, they downplay generally their actions. At least 45 percent is persistent offender and even after arrest by police with too much alcohol to drive. The costs incurred by the company by the behavior of this small group are not to underestimate the contrary: this year to 0.8 to 1.8 billion euros.

However, the current approach does not have any effect on serious offenders. moreover, was recently announced that the government alcolock as a measure abolishes for drink drivers. In March 2015 determined the State Council that the measure of an expensive alcohol interlock for abusers in traffic legally is too drastic. CBR then immediately stopped using this approach.

SWOV regrets this. ,, For the group of heavy alcohol offenders the alcolock program was a targeted measure with promising results. "

The reality is: almost nine hundred motorists are still driving around with an alcolock, which may demolish their car. They will be able to apply for a regular license and forth freely on the road.

The research SWOV still thinks that 'a cheaper preventive alcolock' is still a good approach to notorious drink drivers. Another option is that the court offered a reduced sentence if the offender agrees to a treatment in which the traffic is monitored. Also policing remains a very important measure.

The Ministry of Security and Justice announced that it is working on a "tightening" of traffic enforcement, especially designed to take heavy drink drivers. As will Minister Ard van der Steur a system to check for valid licenses of drink drivers have stated are handed real. Also there, since February hefty warning letters sent to offenders.

The minister also late investigate whether it is possible to punishment for an offense to be ever higher as a driver often goes wrong. For fines should this regard he will apply.

,, We also see that the courts continue to impose more prolonged rijontzeggingen to drivers caught drink, '' said a spokeswoman for the ministry. ,, Together with prevention, we try to keep the country in the top of safest countries. "" The House of tomorrow talking about the announced abolishment of the alcolock.

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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