Police has finished secret hooligan fights

Gepubliceerd op 10 oktober 2016 om 15:17

Soccer Hooligans plan regularly fight with each other. By appointment, in forests, meadows, out of sight of everyone.



News hour has inventoried and it appears that in recent years dozens of free fights have been in secret. Hooligans among others Fortuna Sittard, Feyenoord, the Belgian Standard Liege, Ghent and Genk were involved. That takes the National Police undesirable and intolerable.

Because football always be more secure in recent years, hooligans seek other places to fight. Prior to the fight clearly agreed how many people are going to fight there. They are manifestations of the so-called 'modern hooliganism. Fighting in absolute anonymity is thereby the outcome. They choose locations far outside football stadiums and the eye of society.

The Rotterdam police chief Frank Paauw expects the fighting will increase. "You can see this as a form of training. It qualifies as a group to fight and that can manifest itself in the public space. An experienced group that is able to fight in a group in a command structure is an unorganized group of us much more difficult to go by then. "He also says that the battles are highly undesirable. There innocent citizens to get involved and kicked a lot. That does not fit in our society.

Jan Derksen is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Radboud University Nijmegen and correct favor of the fights. According to him, it is a good outlet for hooligans. "Here you have men who need to give their primary first nature a chance. In our culture they are too tight in the pack, and at some point they snap it. Such a pasture where they bother nobody or nothing can destroy, is actually a very good solution. "

He also thinks that the men could learn from the battles. "They are this way by growth. Psychologically they get lost something and they know their limits. "It is clear agreements as an age limit of 18 years, no use of arms and themselves bear the cost of the doctor or hospital if you get hurt.

Hooligans do not respond to the fighting for several reasons. However, no one denies that the fighting really exist.

By Editors Metro News Photo: Video Still

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