"Not enough DNA evidence to convict Jos G. '

Gepubliceerd op 14 oktober 2016 om 10:56

Jos de G. (49), who is suspected of killing and raping Nicole van den Hurk, should be acquitted. Previously pleaded his lawyers this afternoon. There is what they are concerned enough convincing evidence to get a conviction.


The DNA studies are according to the defense lawyers Job Knoester and Yvonne van der Hut many snags, partly because it would have worked with poor DNA profiles.

Counselor Van der Hut referred this afternoon to a recent US court case surrounding the death of 12-year-old Garrett Phillips. The accused was acquitted because there was not enough DNA evidence. The same New Zealand dna expert in that case was also involved in the case by Nicole Bossche court. But who had to juggle so with very limited DNA traces to come to a conclusion that the technical results that the counsel does not reliable.

Moreover, the DNA evidence in its not everything. ,, As much as we would wish. It says nothing about how traces have ended, "said Van der Hut.

Job Knoester, the other lawyer Jos G., moreover, said that a thorough counter-examination was not possible. ,, Clothing is destroyed and its lower jaw is missing, there is also no connection between the suspect and the place where Nicole's body and bicycle were left. And that is exactly important, however, according to a profiler. "

Consensual sex
According Knoester are uncertain promoted to trace evidence. There is what he is concerned, no evidence of rape and there is no motive for murder. ,, That Nicole and Jos G. had consensual sex is not implausible. Therefore, he can only be acquitted. The defense, moreover, today was about the hair found on the coat of Nicole. In which it is so called mitochondrial DNA: DNA that is passed into the maternal line. So there are several men with the DNA.

The public prosecutor said yesterday that it contains the unique DNA of the suspect Jos G. But that's not true, says Van der Hut. According to counsel is also not been established that it is a pubic hair. She points to the expert stated that it was a body hair. The prosecution had the hair on the jacket with smooth fabric properly used as evidence to show that Jos G. must have been the last person to see her alive.

The murder case around 21 years ago murdered Nicole van den Hurk continues tomorrow. Then allowed the prosecution and the defense still interact. The prosecution demanded 14 years yesterday at the G. There is no forensic claimed against him because there is no greater risk.

Mess Tick
Nicole van den Hurk disappeared on October 6, 1995 when she was on her way to bike from her grandmother for a job in a supermarket. Nearly two months later, the 15-year-old girl was killed and raped were found in the woods between Mierlo and Lierop. They would, according to the OM were killed by a knife wound.

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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