ProRail no longer independent: is my train ticket expensive?

Gepubliceerd op 17 oktober 2016 om 16:32

Track manager ProRail loses his independence lost. The private company is an independent administrative body. What does this mean for the traveler?


After all the problems on the track, the government will end the independence of ProRail.In April RTL News revealed that the government wanted to take over the lead in the failed track manager. Problems with rails, switches and overhead lines often lead to delays and failed trains. Reason for Secretary Dijksma to tighten the reins

improve service

Wijnand Veeneman is ov researcher at TU Delft. He finds the decision of the government "not very smart." "This is not only on paper a change: there will need to create new relationships within ProRail Much is turned upside down that the management of energy will cost in the coming years, and that energy can be better used to improve services... "

In addition, says Veeneman, control of the government is not always an improvement."When the government is very strict oversaw the trains were more likely to leave, found that depart on time is not the same as good services. You saw many trains indeed left on time, but eventually went away slowly and had to stop for signals. That does not, of course. "

More expensive train tickets?

Several parties, including the NS, FNV Track and travelers association Rover, fear expensive train tickets. A government organization may no longer deduct VAT, they put in an urgent letter . "What does this mean for the train ticket?" Rolf Dollevoet, professor of railway engineering at Delft University and consultant at ProRail, indicates that the ticket can indeed be expensive as that VAT will not be compensated by the ministry.

That would be the traveler than to feel doubt in the wallet. But Veeneman suspect it will not be so fast walk. "The government can probably fit a sleeve on. That's at least hope for the traveler."

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Reaction Rover

Rover, the Association for travelers in public transport , is afraid that the train tickets will be more expensive. President Ariën Kruyt: "We are also worried that ProRail later mainly looking at the Secretary of State and not to the clients While the traveler must be central.."

Rover believes that the State decision does not affect the maintenance of the tracks. "Officials will not sit tinker with the bills, so it will not matter much." Rover also fears for the pensions of ProRail employees."They are now in a pension fund known as well. If she must go to another pension fund, she is going to cost money anyway."

ProRail was on track in terms of departure and arrival and maintenance says Kruyt. "Now this decision is made, I fear that at the expense of the quality of rail transport."

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As for the track maintenance, Dollevoet find that ProRail now has well done. As of January 1, 2017, the contracts between the rail operator and the contractors are adjusted so that the tracks can be replaced before they break up.


Now, according to him often drove to work is required on the track really. Result: tracks to be repaired unexpectedly. "I am also traveler, and nothing is more annoying than delays that you do not see it coming. It is important to look ahead, and so does the new management now."

Veeneman Notes that the new management of ProRail only a few months to work."Therefore it is premature decision of the government. You can not replace the management and expect major changes in a few months. That's really unrealistic."

By Editors RTL News: Photo: Reuters



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