Police officer wants people to thinking with "hard tweet '

Gepubliceerd op 18 oktober 2016 om 15:48

The tweet that Vleuten-De Meern last night sent supplies angry reactions police officer Jan-Michiel Quak of the police. Many people find the tweet in which the agent alleged father complains that he did not illuminate his daughter made inappropriate but self Quak not too heavy as to tilt, "That's once Twitter."


The tweet is not real, says Quak. ,, The tweet is completely fiction and meant to make people think. Die each year there are about twenty cyclists without lights after an accident.My goal with the tweet was let parents think: 'How do I send my child to the sports club tonight?' ''.

On Twitter, the reactions mixed. ,, I get responses from people with whom it comes, yes, as I mentioned. Others find it a funny tweet, but well, that's Twitter. Everyone reacts in his own way. Facebook is easier, because you have to add more characters and so you can more context. ''

Higher purpose
Quak understands the reactions it: ,, Of course, it's a hard tweet. But it was my highest goal to make people aware, because it happens too much. ''

By Editors AD: Photo: Police VDM

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