Acquittal for shooting Albanian brothers

Gepubliceerd op 19 oktober 2016 om 14:37

A 28-year-old Albanian was acquitted of the shooting of two compatriots Ijsselmonde during an argument over a shipment of cocaine. However, the man got four years in prison for possession of five kilos of cocaine and two guns.

Naamloos-3705-289-13low-11.pngThe prosecution had demanded twenty-year sentence against the man. He would be the one in a house in Upper Street two Albanian brothers shot dead 25 and 29 years.

Insufficient evidence
The court, however, that this is insufficient evidence. There were several people present at the shooting, and was shot at least twenty times, even by the victims. The DNA of the suspect was found on one of the arms, but that has not yet been proved in court that he used the gun that day and that he fired the fatal shots.

The suspect also got injured himself. He was that night a few blocks away, at the Kasteelweg in IJsselmonde, found. A bullet had gone through his nose. Several other actors are probably fled to Albania.

By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters

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