In a suicide attack by IS fighters at a power station in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk sure 16 deaths. Reported AFP. The terror group attacked the city today and urged government buildings, including a police complex and the town hall, inside.

Kirkuk is in an important oil field, 290 kilometers north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Both the autonomous Kurdish region and the central Iraqi government lays claim to the city.
Offensive to Mosul
The attack comes at a time when forces of the Iraqi government and Kurdish Kurdish fighting units are engaged IS expel from Mosul, the second city of the country.
Iraqi soldiers and Kurdish peshmerga fighters have now fifteen villages around Mosul on IS recaptured. Yesterday locks special anti-terrorist units join the Iraqi army in an attempt to speed up the offensive around the city.
The plan is that the special forces eventually take the lead when Mosul itself is attacked. IS will resist fiercely, as is expected. The terrorist group has placed mines around the city and commits suicide to keep the enemy at bay. Netherlands pledged Thursday to allocate one million euros to clear mines in Mosul and the town is recaptured.
Mosul is the 'capital' of IS in Iraq. The attack on the city is considered the largest military offensive since the US invasion in 2003. In total approaching 25 to 30 thousand fighters, including some Sunni tribal fighters and Shiite militias of popular mobilization, the city that by 2014 IS was taken. Expected surgery weeks, maybe even months.
By Editors Volkskrant Photo: AP
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