For the first time in history, students pay from January no interest on their student loans. Who will stop this year studying, can look forward to the next five years at 0 percent interest. That has never happened before.
The interest rate decreases in 2017 from 0.01 percent to 0 percent, to sources at the Ministry of Education. This is because the Dutch state is currently able to borrow very cheaply. The interest that (former) students have to pay on their loan is linked to government bond yields. On a large part of those loans Netherlands now get money to. Of those favorable circumstances, the students also benefit.
A spokesman for DUO, the body that regulates and student loans, recognizing that these students 'bacon buyer' are. This also applies to former students starting from 2017 with a new fixed interest period of five years, for example because they were allowed to begin maturing in 2012, 2007 or 2002.
The interest rates on student loans are the last continuously declined. In 2002, the rate still stood at 4.03 percent. Actually the rate next year below 0 percent to dive, but the possibility of negative interest rates was abolished at the last minute last year. This prevents students to borrow money can get, what the treasury much money would cost.
Officially makes DUO the interest rate for the next five years every year known until December.
By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters
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