"Take frequent autopsy to '

Gepubliceerd op 27 oktober 2016 om 11:52

In the Netherlands too few autopsies place.


Doctors sometimes rely too much on their own assumptions about a person's death. That says pathologist Judith Fronczek, which promoted Thursday on the topic at the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam.

By other modern techniques Lim also the erroneous idea that an autopsy is often unnecessary. These modern techniques prove its view, however, not always sufficient to determine causes of death. And the data from autopsies we can just additional learning for the future.

Also for the family, it may be important, for example, if there is an inherited disorder is found to be in the game. Further, an autopsy may be significant for relatives of people with an unclear cause of death, for example, to rule out suicide.

Fronczek calls for more money for autopsies.

The Telegraph Editors: Photo: Hoetink, ROBERT

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