Wilders: "Nobody puts me to silence '

Gepubliceerd op 28 oktober 2016 om 10:05

The trial against Geert Wilders Monday following the ruling of the court after his less Marokkanen' expressions.


The PVV leader will in any case not in court to hear the verdict. Because, he says: ,, About political views should be discussed in Parliament and not in court. "

"Next Monday begins the trial against freedom of expression", as Wilders opens his letter to the Algemeen Dagblad . "For a politician who says what does not want to hear the politically correct elite. It is a travesty that I have to stand trial because I have talked about less Moroccans. It is my right and my duty as a politician to talk about problems in our country. "


In his account he states among other things that there are double standards and that some colleagues have made similar statements. "Prime Minister Rutte said that Turks should oppleuren. Labour leader Samsom said that Moroccan youth have a monopoly on ethnic nuisance. Labour Party chairman Spekman said Moroccans should be humiliated. PvdA alderman Oudkerk even talked about kutmarokkanen. They may say it all and not be prosecuted. Rightly. But I want it or shut up in court? "

What the judge's ruling Monday will be, Wilders will not temper his message. "I do not let me be silenced by anyone. Not by Muslim terrorists who threaten me for twelve years. Not by political opponents who condemn me. Nor by the public prosecutor or the judiciary. I will share my opinion - continue to give always, what the consequences are also "- on behalf of millions of Dutch.


"This process is a political process. I refuse to cooperate. The legal side of things I entrust to Mr. Knoops, the best lawyer in the Netherlands. He will defend my case next Monday and all session days. I wish him every success. And I'm going to work. For my constituents and for the Netherlands, "concludes Wilders.

By Editors Metro News Photo: Reuters

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