Dutch municipalities last year, amounting to nearly 1.2 billion - that was meant to include care money and other social tasks - not used. According to figures from the Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS).
That money remains on the shelf, is remarkable because many municipalities have just indicated in the last year to have a deficit. ,, One municipality has money, the other is struggling with deficits. A more detailed analysis is desirable '', says VNG today.
According to the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) has to do with the surplus as a buffer for later. ,, The money is certainly no way '', says a spokesman for the VNG. ,, It is for any setbacks. The Dutch municipalities have carefully budgeted last year, and rightly so.There has been a long uncertainty about budgets. ''
According to the umbrella organization in 2015 was in any case a difficult year with the new care package of municipalities. So it is getting used: ,, The one (municipality - ed) has a deficit, but another holding money. Further analysis is needed. ''
Since early last year, many family responsibilities transferred by the government to municipalities. They gave last year totaled 24.4 billion euros to include child care and home care. Municipalities received in 2015 for community support and youth 13.8 billion. Here they had so nearly 1.2 billion euros over. Revenues came mainly from the government.
By responsible state secretary Martin van Rijn (Health, Welfare and Sport) raises the surplus questions which he would soon discuss with the municipalities. ,, In any case, this raises a totally different light on the signals from some municipalities think they money go hungry for WMO and Youth. Thus we now enter another call, '' says Van Rijn in a statement.According to him, are now the standard of care on the agenda after all focus on money.
By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters
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