Angry renter four years in prison for explosion in apartment

Gepubliceerd op 3 november 2016 om 14:19

The occupant of the apartment to the Rusthoflaan where there was a heavy explosion in December, has been sentenced to four years in prison for arson. He needs two neighbors each pay 1,500 euros compensation.


The neighborhood was on December 10th at five o'clock at night startled by a loud bang, followed by a fire in the apartment house. The facade was blown out. Adjacent houses and parked cars were damaged. Local residents had their homes in the middle of the night out.

The 53-year-old resident would put the next morning from his house, because he refused to pay rent increases. Two hours before the explosion he had the night leaving his home to go to sleep at a friend.

The man against whom it is required five years' imprisonment, continued to deny that he is responsible for the explosion. The court, however, that there is sufficient evidence against him. As he expressed in the period before the bang threatening language directed at Woonbron and opposite neighbors.

Computer game
The man, according to experts has a personality disorder, said that he has taken such language from a computer game that he is playing for years, but he had no malicious intent.The court calls it unbelievable.

In technical research the gas appeared to be on while the pipe was disconnected from the gas appliance. Also were found in three places in the home bottles with flammable liquid.The argument that after the nightly departure of the suspect someone else may have come into the house, is also implausible as overruled by the court.

By Editors AD: Photo: Sanne Donders

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