The vast majority of physicians in the emergency department is concerned about the increasing number of drunk older people entering the emergency room with a broken bone or other related ailments.
Nearly 90 percent of emergency room doctors have to deal with older people who fall under the influence of alcohol at the emergency room. 60 percent is that older people 'drunk' is.
According to a poll Omroep MAX in collaboration with the Dutch Association of Emergency Medicine Physicians (NVSEH) has kept among these physicians for the program Hello Netherlands.
Three quarters signals that drunken elderly break something. Also, the doctors to see that alcohol has an influence on the drugs that use the patients. More than a third have experienced this too must take account of the treatment.
In half of the cases in which alcohol is in play, it comes to men and women between 55 and 65 years old. In people between 65 and 80 years comes less and seniors over 80 years hardly.
By Editors Metro News Photo: Reuters
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