Less than a day after publication swallowed Vice President Frans Timmermans of the European Commission already in his controversial statements about the Gülen movement's involvement in the failed coup Turkey mid July. He's no longer about 'movement' that would be involved, but "some members of the movement."
Timmermans also no longer talking about a US study "that would substantiate its claim, but 'indications from the many contacts I have."
Moreover, first vice-president Timmermans, as confirmed by his spokeswoman, not interpreted the Commission's position. Which states that Turkey is still an inquiry into the involvement of the Gülen movement, which the Turkish government meanwhile accused the Gülen movement already and spiritual leader Fethullah Gülen himself, from his hiding place in America that refutes accusation. Just as also the spokesperson for foreign policy chief Mogherini, a direct colleague of Timmermans, yesterday told this newspaper already suggested.
For Timmermans, the story did not end there. The largest group in the European Parliament, the center right EPP wants next week Timmermans hear exactly what is his view, what he said and what he meant to say.
Mid next week a plenary debate on Turkey, normally with Enlargement Commissioner Hahn, but EPP leader Manfred Weber will tomorrow be in contact with his fellow group chairmen Timmermans which is present at the debate. ,, This is a sensitive issue, and you can not just rely on what now appear to be particularly personal impressions. This gives a lot of turmoil in the Turkish community in the Netherlands. That requires you to definitely the Timmermans position very carefully choose your words, not from day to day is something different, "says CDA delegation Esther de Lange, yesterday re-elected Vice-President of the EPP.
Earlier Turkey also took Kenner Joost Lagendijk and Labour MEP Kati Piri, rapporteur on Turkey's accession, as from the statements of Timmermans. Their position is that it is "plausible" that members of the Gülen movement were involved in the failed coup, but they might as long as it is not shown in plain never account for the 'movement' was as such.
For the Turkish President Erdogan is also no completed study already a foregone conclusion that the Gülen movement is guilty. He dropped since mid-July already picking up thousands of supporters or suspected supporters, suspend and dismiss.
By Editors AD: Photo: ANP / AD
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