Hugo Borst and Carin Gaemers that together the manifesto Cutting down on the elderly, yesterday attended a care debate. Breast describes how he experienced the day.
Fleur Agema (PVV) did, and else had Mona Keijzer (CDA), Henk van Gerven (SP), Henk Krol (50plus), Vera Bergkamp (D66) or Linda Voortman (GroenLinks) have done it: urge all politicians to manifesto Focusing on elderly support. Soon to be our recommendations for improvements contained in a motion. But even if it is adopted, what are the expectations, are Gaemers Carin and I did not cheer.
Moderately positive
I'm looking for the right words for our state of mind. We are after six months campaigning and lobbying moderately positive. Because we have more than 100,000 signatures.Because it gets hotter under the feet of poor care directors. Since all political parties really want it is excellent in all nursing homes in the Netherlands. But I can not deny that I yesterday during the debate on the nursing home also fell prey to impatience, annoyance and suspicion. I even fell asleep a minute, two seconds, but still. What is sometimes detailed, tough and complex.
ambivalent feelings
The handsome constructed open letter yesterday in this newspaper, which Minister Martin van Rijn to Carin and wrote me made even to an ambivalent feeling. Nice how he writes about his demented mother and warm what he says about the people who care for our vulnerable loved ones so lovingly. There's really not a cross sentence in his letter. It should golly better! There is even the suggestion of haste. Just before the elections, moving the men's and women politicians continue to run, but hallelujah, we still go on the road of gradual action - and what that horrible long.
Something technical - unfortunately escaped Carin and I not there. The Guidance staff should be guaranteed from 1 January to good nursing. There are good things in. Black and white, we read that attention and support are as important as care and nursing. Finally!Tribute.
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By Editors AD: Photo: Reuters
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