Frenkie de Jong is still happy with his interim move from Willem II to Ajax. Eighteen-year-old midfielder is part of the promise of team coach Jaap Stam.
"It is good for me that I move now've already made. At Willem II I was almost not to play, I played mostly in young Willem II. I hope now in Ajax deal more minutes to create. Until now pleases it very well. I'm enjoying myself and the guys catch me well, "let De Jong know in talking to Ajax TV.
The youth international has a good idea of his qualities. "On the ball I'm at my best. Defensively, must I still really develop," says De Jong, who in his own words quickly adapts. "I've had some muscle pain in recent days, but it's not like I really need to join in. It takes some getting used to, but it goes well."
Tribe has with De Jong again with an option. "A technically strong player with a tremendous drive and an acceleration to the ball. He can easily pass through a man," says the coach of Young Ajax. "He is studious and related duties. It's a boy with a lot of quality."
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