Sunday he heard during ADO Den Haag-Ajax the jungle sounds at the address of Riechedly Bazoer. The former keeper gives Dadi a compliment.
"It's incredibly clever that you as a boy of 19 years so you can let slide. That testifies to stability, "said Mack in the Telegraph. "I had was treated immediately by that Riechedly outrageous. But it was not clear that it was so bulky. "
Although Bazoer gave no shrinkage, thinks Mack that this is still happening. "From my own experience I know that jungle sounds and racist chants a huge humiliation. And the hardest hit only comes later. During a game you're full of adrenaline and you're focused on the football. If you think about it, because you in peace by the media and family members faces you undergo the humiliation really. "
Gijs de Jong, Director operational business of the NFL, left Monday know that Bazoer, Ajax or ADO Den Haag had allowed to leave the field, even though that was against the rules. Mack: "according to the protocol, is the decision to halt the match at the Security Coordinator of the home team. But protocols are behind a desk. At racism you should take action on the basis of common sense and feeling. Maybe this is the time to adjust the protocol, because it is clear that the home team often has other interests than the away club. "
© URAjax/
Bazoer warned of consequences: "then you undergo the humiliation only really"
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