Willem van Hanegem is rotgeschrokken the level of PSV-Ajax. Especially of the home team had ' the curve ' expected more, he writes in his column in Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad.
PSV did it Tuesday night against Atlético Madrid much better than I had previously expected, but there was really nothing at all more of about ', begins Van Hanegem. ' As Ajax really well had been there after ninety minutes just 0-5 on the scoreboard. But Ajax also fell against me. '
PSV-captain Luuk de Jong gets a lot of along.
"On Tuesday I saw him slip quickly from the field arrow, two minutes for that important penalty kicks series. And yesterday he could do pretty much anything he error actually done wrong ', says Van Hanegem, who still saw a scapegoat.
' Trainer Cameron remains Jetro Walker but. Also I find Walker a player with lots of possibilities, but if he plays, you have to choose for another go. He did hardly anything good. '
' Orange plays Friday against France. As Danny Blind towards the WORLD CUP 2018 wants to build on the current PSV, then it would be good that he can on loose sand builds ', notes Van Hanegem. "That may sound like a sour conclusion, but I really fear that the sheer quality in the Premier League just missing. '
http://www.ajaxprimeur.nl/ photo: Ajax First
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