Netherlands marriages must be made between young girls and older men no longer recognize abroad, says the parliament. The bill that regulates, is now in the Senate.
The VVD calls on the Senate Monday on the law to be treated as soon as possible. Coalition mate PvdA believes that these girls in the meantime should be already protected.
They respond therefore to reports that the number of child brides coming to the Netherlands, sharply increases. It would now go for around three girls per week. Even under the current flow of asylum seekers from Syria would sit dozens of underage girls who were married in their home country.
Labour MP Attje Kuiken find this practice unacceptable. ,, We can not look away when these young girls are trapped in a forced marriage. The new law stipulates that such marriages Netherlands no longer accepted, but we can not sit still in the meantime. ''
,, Impossible and disgusting '' says Malik Azmani VVD. He also wants these practices affect the right of residence of the men involved.
The CDA wants is acutely done about it. ,, The government has the responsibility to protect these girls at our laws and norms. Until the new law comes into force, we have to deliver custom, '' said Peter Oskam (CDA).
The Lower House already did in March 2014, unanimously adopted the bill against forced marriages. That is on November 24 on the agenda of the Senate. © AFP.
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