Three key players of a drug gang that smuggled cocaine to Europe from the Dominican Republic, on Monday by the Court in Haarlem punishments to eight years in prison. The highest penalty got Brabander Eduard v. (47), which, according to the Court to all the strings pulled.
The 47-year-old Daina should also mention the remaining 974 days of an old sentences. In 2010 he got because of smuggling cocaine in Switzerland for eight years in prison. Three years later he came in Netherlands under conditions at large.
Gang co-defendants Jeffrey b. (28) from Culemborg and Harry h. (61) from Maastricht were given seven and five years imprisonment respectively for their share. According to the Court they both fulfilled a crucial role and they were essential links within the gang.
Thanks to Culemborger Jeffrey b. had the gang close contact with Sergeant Ronald j. (35) of the Royal military police. He checked in the information systems of the service or courier not envisaged in the search listings for came and so could safely in-and to share data.
W J.-by the question dishonorable fired-came after a requirement of three years in prison with six months from conditionally and a community service of 240 hours.
According to the Court, he has been guilty of violation of his secret, but he was not part of the criminal organization. According to the to was he correct an important link. The former Sergeant has admitted to have leaked information, but said to have adopted an innocent service to friends and not knowing that the data in the hands of a drug gang. The Court called the stance naive.
Investigative agencies The criminal investigation services, the gang in 2013 on the track during a FIOD-research v., that after previous convictions in Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland have to sit for a long time for the fourth time for drug smuggling. The study got priority when it became apparent that a State Trooper in the activities was concerned.© afp
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