Can you never shut up during college? Think you always know better? Then it just be that you are studying thereby better than you would unassuming fellow.
The outcome was a big surprise to the researchers. They had expected that people with a realistic view of their own knowledge, could achieve higher grades than those with higher self-esteem. That proved not the case.
There were research 103 psychology students followed during group missions. During the semester, they had to evaluate each other and evaluate. Students who were considered dominant, extrovert, inflexible and who like being the center of attention, were also seen as intellectually arrogant.
The researchers found that this particular group of students had the highest probability of high grades. ,, A student who is better at a task group thinks his idea than that of others, is the one that performs best in individual assignments such as an exam, '' Ben Meagher said in an email to The Huffington Post.
Not Smarter
The higher numbers do not come because an arrogant student is actually smarter. Where good results have come from, the researchers do not know exactly. Meager: ,, I suspect that students get better grades, being aware of, and therefore believe their ideas are better. ''
During the study, students are modestly positively by their peers.
by Zoë Over / Photo: Reuters
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