Who this week has been a sanctuary in the area, should soon have the opportunity to voice his opinion about it. "Decisions are not always made by the people who bear the consequences," said Kim Putters, director of the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP).
Putters: "Also this week, many emotions explained away with figures You must prevent people from thinking." What makes it all out of my interest is not seen yet. " This occurs everywhere:.. In health care, education, municipalities 30 percent of voters no longer vote You do not want this now happens in integrating refugees. "
That 28 percent of the Dutch borders would close it up according to a poll seized by order of the NIS, this week by Geert Wilders to call the House a nepparlement "in which no one feels represented.
Political dropouts
Nonetheless, as Putters not that the Dutch also reject migration political dropouts. 'Quitters are people who are disappointed have been in all political parties. Their problems go as much about health as about migration. In particular, low-skilled, older workers and women have a strong awareness of these problems. They agree sometimes temporarily at a party and are able to equally Making huge. You see them made by the SP and the PVV, but also by CDA and PvdA. People who reject immigration, the PVV have a stable factor in the parliament. "
When the commotion over the berths is over, will serve on the refugee question for the long term. That, according Putters important an innovative democratic process to be. "The refugees are a shared concern of all Dutch. At Representatives rest involve the difficult task of everyone there, whether you want to show close or vast mercy borders. How long must remain refugees in shelters? Should they return to their homeland or they can immediately begin learning the language and finding work? How is their health?
"Hospitals want to know what immunizations they have had How do we gather the necessary knowledge about immigrants Participation Rounds in the City Council are probably not accessible enough, we should be looking for methods that are comprehensible to everyone.?. It may very well via the Internet, citizens' conferences or participation by drawing lots. In companies participation is often better organized than in politics. If we want to involve everybody, the democratic process must which is over 150 years old are really modernized. "
Thus, according Putters itself nicely to Hans de Boer of employers' organization VNO-NCW advocates refugees as quickly as possible to get to work. An easy solution provides De Boer however not. Putters: "This week we have put in the SCP which figures on refugee flows past a row in 1993 and 2000 we also had to deal with many war refugees from Somalis is 70 percent dependent on the assistance of the Syrians is... that 60 percent of Eritreans is 50 percent. Just such a problem that requires a political debate.
http://www.trouw.nl/Laura Baars / © Reuters
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