Klaas Dijkhoff occurs only cracked down on if there is no alternative. Rather, the Secretary of State for Asylum in concert, like now with municipalities to arrange shelter for refugees. Often forcing them to provide care as this week in Orange, is "not my plan," he said this week. "It's not that that power on my bedside table is set and mornings I think, where I put him in today?
It seems to work in favor Dijkhoffs that he - unlike his predecessor Fred Teeven - wants to avoid confrontation. Although the number of asylum seekers in recent times has increased dramatically and he has to hastily new reception centers to vehicles in the country, he was only this week for the first time in the public eye of a storm.
A storm that he also would rather have avoided, were it not that he concluded Tuesday that he had no shelter for hundreds of asylum seekers. He had to choose own words: either let them sleep on the streets, or to provide a municipal force relief. "Two things you do not actually want," said Dyke Hoff, who chose the last option. He came to tell me yourself in the Drenthe village of Orange, where residents blocked his car and the access roads.
Right tone
That anger is not turned on for a long time the State should given the sensitivity of the asylum file called special. And the fact that politicians in The Hague - apart from the PVV - relatively little criticism sounds act Dijkhoffs, while still a migratievrezende VVD and PvdA demanding a humane shelter to keep happy. And a host of opposition parties.
Apparently Dijkhoff in the six months that he is in the cabinet managed to find the right tone in the debate. Which can still be described as sober and pragmatic. "My job is to solve problems," he said in his first week as a minister. And on the reception of asylum seekers he had to expand rapidly with the help of local authorities in recent weeks: "It is no fun, especially for those people yourself."
Keep government parties to friend
In addition Dijkhoff know deftly maneuver between the two ruling parties. He thinks of the Labour Party when he explains that the Netherlands for the reception of asylum seekers is responsible, but also stressed that the shelter is "very sober". "It's shelter in gymnasiums, they lie side by side," he said this week. That fits with the VVD, which refugees are not too much will spoil you for fear that attracts new asylum seekers.
That Dijkhoff can change quickly, he already showed when he took office in March. From one day to the other he was not the VVD parliamentarian with the plain language and unvarnished opinion, but the State Secretary of Security and Justice. And who had no overt opinion about the recently presented plan of asylum VVD MP Malik Azmani to close its borders to asylum seekers. "I'm as undersecretary of course absolutely nothing to do with it and I've previously no letter typed," he said in his first debate.
Voordijk Hoff is dead simple, he explained afterwards. As Secretary of State he has to carry out government policy. The guiding principle is the coalition agreement and that is obvious: decent shelter for refugees. His views do not matter as MP in his new role, as its resistance as VVD councilor in Breda against the arrival of a reception center because it would lead to "nuisance and criminality." As Secretary of State he stands up there.
Rather the middle
Dijkhoff there does not seem to involve positions at this juncture and favors the middle. He mastered the art of compromise, let VVD faction leader Halbe Zijlstra this spring appear. Who gave the brand new Secretary of State, the credit for solving the "bed-bath bread crisis" in the Cabinet over the care for failed asylum seekers in.
Also in the coalition compromise last month on European asylum policy was Dijkhoff closely involved. Scope: now agree with the inclusion of more than 7,000 asylum seekers from other EU countries, provided that the reception on time mainly takes place outside the EU. The latter is precisely the purport of the VVD plan where Dijkhoff 'no letter' of tapped, but that is now government policy.
Klaas Dijkhoff
Klaas Dijk Hoff (1981) was born in the German Soltau and lived his first years on army bases where his father worked as an officer. He completed high school in Eindhoven, studied law at Tilburg, obtaining his doctorate in law of war. He was around seventeen members of the VVD and kicked it in recent years by the municipal council of Breda and the House State Secretary for Security and Justice. With his 34 years he is one of the youngest ministers ever Dutch.
http://www.trouw.nl/Nicole Besselink / © EPA
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