The Dutch Safety Board publishes its report Tuesday on the air disaster with flight MH17. For the families it is an important moment, because the report answers questions with which they for fifteen months.
"It is very important that the report is revealed," said Evert van Zijtveld, vice-Chairman of the Foundation MH17 air disaster. "A lot has happened In a year, with the identifiers and funerals. Most survivors have this. "
(It is part of the treatment process.)
Survivor Evert van Zijtveld "the next phase is that victims ' families want to know what happened. Not everyone, but many survivors do want to have the facts. It is part of the process ", says Viola, which themselves are two children and parents-in-law lost in the disaster.
The report provides answers to four questions: what is the cause of the disaster, why the MH17 flew over conflict area, why it took two days for the full passenger list was released and what have the passengers noticed?
"Personally, I would like to know everything," said Viola. "But what part of the report is most important, is different for each survivor. I think there are quite few survivors want to know what has happened to the passenger lists. That is, of course, long been ready. "
No matter what rocket
"I expect itself not that new insights from the reports. All scenarios are known. The question is: what is it though. It is a Buk-missile or other missile? It actually makes for the families no matter what rocket it used to be ", thinks Viola.
"They are shot out of the air, that's a fact. They are killed and it has terrible should last long before they got there. Those are the facts. " © ANP
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