Coalition: sober housing asylum seekers and to no prevail more

Gepubliceerd op 12 oktober 2015 om 15:22

Het kabinet wil asielzoekers met een verblijfsvergunning geen voorrang meer geven bij de verdeling van sociale huurwoningen. Om de doorstroming uit de asielzoekerscentra toch te verbeteren willen VVD en PvdA de vluchtelingen plaatsen in "sobere, maar rechtvaardige" huisvesting.
The Government wants asylum seekers with a residence permit no longer give priority in the allocation of social housing. To the flow from the asylum seeker centers want to VVD and PvdA anyway to improve the refugee places in "austere, but fair" housing.

There they are the Coalition during their regular reflection on agreed. Prime Minister Rutte said afterwards that thought must be converted to container homes or offices. According to PvdA-leader Samsom provides living space where students be interested in.
living allowance The asylum seekers need to pay little or no rent, is intended. This allows any national assistance benefit, and additional charges may disappear. "That get them in kind," said Samsom.

According to the VVD Group Chairman Zafar get asylum seekers much more things in kind, also health insurance. As a result, the benefit as for him down to a living allowance of "a few dozen" per month.

SEE ALSO to look at Pegida-speaker speech ' shall submit Separate economic refugees from the others ' it is very important that asylum seekers who have received a residence permit not to stay long in a azc, the Cabinet. There they keep seats for new refugees, who are currently in large numbers to Netherlands.

VVD-Group Chairman Zafar chose last weekend a tougher course in refugee issues. According to him the asylum seekers threaten our prosperity. He wants them to be put off by their existence here as sober as possible.

Coalition partner PvdA reacted negatively to those judgments. After the Coalition consultation today said Samsom that he not too heavy to tilt. "If we go tripping over each other's words, we never come to a solution." © ANP

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