The cost for the reception of refugees are this year probably to 1 billion euros. Dijsselbloem that Minister of Finance has said in an interview for BNR.
The minister was asked about numbers that NRC Next published this morning, showing that cost the reception of asylum seekers each year about 25,000 euros. With 50,000 to 60,000 asylum seekers per year, which are expected now,the cost would certainly rise to 1.25 billion euros.
Dijsselbloem said he did not know the calculation made in the newspaper, but also said the costs add up quickly. "I have not recalculated, but it is absolutely true that we head billion this year. At the beginning of the year we had reserved 300 million and we have have already significantly increase. It will be before the end of the year, unfortunately, have again. That's just the reality we now face. "
Off street
According to the minister brings accommodating the increasing flow of asylum seekers substantial costs, but there is no alternative. "You can not let people sleep on the streets."
There does not need to be cut, the Minister says. During Prinsjesdag appeared that the Cabinet this considered a sum of one billion euros for the reception.
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