The head of the communications department of the National Police will stop on 1 January with his work.
The departure of Eric Stolwijk related to the departure of head Gerard Bouman. Tuesday also announced the director of the police service center his departure.
Stolwijk said the last 11.5 years, closely worked with Bouman. He wants to make room for someone with whom the new police chief can build a similar relationship.
The communications director points out that there comes a busy period for his successor. "Will this follow-up, have a chance of succeeding, then everyone in Communication there go for it. I sense that I find it hard to get myself there again to recharge."
Bouman was dogged by unrest and incidents, especially during the formation of the National Police. In the communication about Bouman worked closely with Stolwijk.
The Central Works Council regrets the departure of two directors and hopes for good replacements.© ANP
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