In The Hague, four people Sentenced to between 50 and 120 hours community service for Their part in the riots of last summer in the Hague Schilderswijk. A fifth defendant was Acquitted.
In late June and early July, there were riots in the district after the death of the Aruban Mitch Henriquez. He died from lack of oxygen after officers had taken him in the South Park in a stranglehold. Mitch Henriquez had called for fun that he had a weapon.
24 Henki was given the most severe punishment. He had stones thrown at police. A townsman received the same punishment, half suspended for sedition. That person must also rioter 29 days in jail as punishment he had open yet.
Another Hagenaar received a community service of 80 hours for throwing fireworks at police. The fourth suspect was 50 hours because he had insulted agents.
The prosecution also wanted a 21-year-old man would be punished for throwing stones, but the judge found that therefore insufficient evidence. © Reuters
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