They are already deployed for weeks on other workplaces and on other working hours than normal, which significantly affects the agents. This reports the Dutch police bond (NPB) Wednesday.
, We get more and more questions and complaints about that, within '', said President Han Busker. ,, It is clear that the staff back in May to solve the consequences of wringing a neglected by the political problem: the structural understaffing at the Corps. ''
Doing so makes the police are concerned about gezondheidsrisisco's now the agents much in contact with refugees. According to the bond get police officers do not have the same extra vaccinations if the foreigners service. The organization calls for vaccinations.
The Police Federation says that police officers be deployed elsewhere in the country and should thereby longer travel. Agents may to collective bargaining agreements have to travel no further than 125 km. According to the NPB should the police to pull out all the stops to anywhere still enough people in. In the grids would be too little to take into account, inter alia, the private situation of police officers. © ANP
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