More dealers, more incidents and probably more users as well. The drug methamphetamine, commonly known as crystal meth, is getting cheaper in the Netherlands and that is a problem.
According to a report from Mainline Foundation and STI AIDS Netherlands is working on the drug a major advance in the gay scene. The exciting drug is mainly used in sex parties to dispel fatigue.
The report 'Tina and slamming' do 27 homosexual men a book open about their drug use. They see that crystal meth, tina or as it is also called in the Netherlands, is increasingly being used, easier to obtain and cheaper.
Ten dealers
Five years ago the number of dealers in the Netherlands to crystal meth sold to count on one hand. Are already underway in Amsterdam a dozen specialized dealers around. In other major cities, Rotterdam and The Hague, the supply is admittedly smaller but present. Users from the east of the country get their stock, mostly from Germany.
The synthetic drug methamphetamine is best known to the general public through the American television series Breaking Bad. The series begins chemistry teacher Walter White from Albuquerque, New Mexico, a successful trade in homemade crystal meth.
The drug is in the United States a real plague. Especially in poor neighborhoods on the West Coast the use is sometimes epidemic.
The use in the Netherlands is not comparable and seems to be limited for the time being until the gay sex parties. But the stuff is getting cheaper worries the hardcore users from the gay scene. As the price falls, the use will only increase, as they fear. Not only by new users was also their use in some cases hampered by the high price.
"One gram of crystal meth will cost between one hundred and one hundred and seventy-five euros. The price would be significantly lower, and the means of easier, I'm sure I would use it more often, "says one user.
First aid
Whether this is really so, the researchers do not dare to ask. But there is still another clue indicating used on growing. The number of users with tina arrived at the emergency room is in fact also increased in 2013 and 2014.
© by Rens Oving
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