That there is still no quick train ride from Amsterdam to Brussels, is the result of over twenty years long lasting fault event.
According to the parliamentary committee of inquiry Fyra thereby designate a clear thread. The importance of travelers has never been paramount in all these years.
In its final report, the Committee of Inquiry it hard out at both national politics and to NS. An entire row of cabinets chose instead of the passenger for the own wallet and NS attached all these years more importance to a dominant position on the track.
Unwise, shocking and irresponsibleNS much gave too much money to be allowed to perform the service and that the government therefore agreed, committee chairman called Madeleine Toorenburg 'unwise and irresponsible. "
That the admission of the trains on the track by the Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) is never really looked at a real train, but only to the drawings, finds it "shocking."
GuiltyA direct culprit by not indicate the length of the project. But the committee should especially attract all subsequent relevant ministers and secretaries of state and NS sackcloth. Also in the House is critical. But by always agreeing with the government's plans failed critical MPs to 'bite the bullet'.
© Rens Oving/ Madeleine Toorenburg. Photo: Reuters
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