Minister Martin van Rijn (Health) is worried about drug use among young people. He wants parents frequently talk with their kids about the risks of drugs, as seems now that taboo subject.
"I hear from professionals and parents of young people who often did not know that their child uses drugs. That should really change come because drugs are blood link ", said the minister. "Questions like:" Do you use? You know what you use? You know the risks, "prescribed under him. To help parents be given away on a special website hints at talks on parents and drug use should be addressed, Van Rijn says his views on drug prevention which he sent Wednesday to the House.
Van Rijn also wants young people abandon the idea that it is normal to use drugs when going out. "They thus run major risks. Even so-called recreational drugs can be life threatening, especially in the strong dose that occurs frequently now. We, young people with better information and help parents to meet with their children about the conversation. Going out and drugs should not be a normal combination. "
Apart from parents and schools should also festival organizers, club owners and municipalities make a contribution to this. Van Rijn going to talk to mayors on ways to make parties and events drug free. And point out where all events is checked using and trafficking in drugs.
by Metro & ANP/ © Colourbox
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