Eight thousand asylum seekers volunteered in the past four weeks in the Netherlands. How well we care for them? What they get and what are their duties?
Free health insurance
Asylum seekers, people who are still in the procedure are entitled to the same care as a Dutchman with a basic insurance. Asylum seekers do not pay a health insurance premium and no deductible applies to them.
Also applies to asylum seekers no contribution in terms physiotherapy. Dutch who use physical therapy for a chronic condition and have only a basic insurance, the first 20 treatments themselves must pay. Asylum seekers receive these treatments reimbursed from the first visit.
When pain or chewing difficulties will also visit a dentist for an asylum seeker free. The past year, however, increased the appeal of allowing applicants to dental care did faster than the number of asylum seekers entered the country. Therefore in August this year imposed a financial barrier. To 250 euros, an applicant can now use oral care. For treatments that are more expensive, a separate application must be submitted.
An asylum seeker is entitled to shelter in reception who "provide adequate standard" one. According to a group of asylum seekers residing in the Nijmegen tent shelter Heumelsoord, this 'level' is not enough. Last month, these applicants were therefore in rebellion. They find it among other cold in the tents.
Food money
An asylum seeker receives a weekly living allowance. A part of this is intended for food. This amount will depend on the asylum seekers' center. If the residents take care of their own food, get an adult and a child 34.86 44.66 euro per week. This applies to a one- or two-person household. The larger the household, the less gain asylum seekers per person. In reception centers where residents get the main meal, and so they only have to provide breakfast and the second meal, an asylum seeker 27.72 euros per week and a child 19.11 euros.
Clothing allowance
For clothing and other personal expenses an asylum seeker 12.95 euro per week.
Liability insurance
Establish an asylum seeker accidentally damage something from another or is someone injured by an applicant, he is insured. Asylum seekers get a liability insurance (liability insurance).
An asylum seeker should be required to clean in and around the accommodation. Also, asylum seekers are allowed to work for the COA, they then carry out activities in and around the containment facility. For this, the applicant may receive a fee of up to 14 euros per week.
Outside the reception, asylum seekers should only very limited work. They need a permit therefor is only issued if the asylum application for at least half a year in treatment. They may work up to 24 weeks per year. Part of their salary should they cede to the refugee center.
An asylum seeker should let staff at the reception center in his living room as it is "reasonably necessary". For example if there is a suspicion that someone is violating house rules.
In the reception the applicant should be offered a program of education and development.
Sports and entertainment
COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) ensure that minors can participate in leisure activities, such as games and activities in the open air. Also local associations are contributing voluntarily for entertainment seekers. "We currently see many local initiatives arise," a spokesperson knowledge of Refugees Netherlands. "Sports clubs, schools and other associations organize activities for those people who can not do much more than wait for their asylum procedure begins."
by Bianca Brasser/ © Metro
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