A foreign name could cause someone gets a job, says the Labour Party in Arnhem. To eliminate that risk in order for the party to be applied compulsory anonymously on functions of the municipality.
And although there is no evidence that there is indeed discrimination in the church in job application procedures, voted most of the Arnhem city council Monday night for a trial of anonymous job applications.
Equal opportunities
"Everyone is entitled to equal opportunity," said Marilyn A-Kum, councilor for the Labour Party in Arnhem. "A picture that shows someone with a tan or a foreign name on a resume, may affect the application. By anonymous job applications, close your chance out. Then we look at what is really going on: quality ".
The municipality of Utrecht had already announced last summer to start with the same pilot. As in Arnhem has also passed a motion here, submitted by the local Labour Party. "As far as the Labour Party will be many more municipalities follow," says A-Kum.
Nijmegen started nearly ten years ago, a similar test with anonymous job applications. This test initially appeared successful: the first measurements being on discrimination in access to employment. But in a second measurement, this was not the case and therefore the municipality bought the anonymous job applications off again.
"Arnhem is another city and we have our own problems," commented A-Kum. "Youth unemployment here is great and we have three times as many young immigrants and indigenous young people without a job."
The CDA in Arnhem voted alone against the motion of the PvdA. But CDA faction leader Gerben Karssenberg let it be known the test within the municipality or to find a good idea. "We voted against, because the Labour Party in the motion also suggested that the municipality should encourage other institutions to introduce anonymous job applications. That's going too far. "
Not everyone is enthusiastic about initiatives by companies or municipalities to make people anonymous job applications. Such is criticism from opponents that this type of testing is conceded that there is no discrimination in hiring processes, while they believe that no hard evidence for this.
The identity of the candidate is lost, and social media such as LinkedIn to find them "recommendations" or a portfolio website of the candidate can not be found should be applied as anonymous. In addition, opponents find anonymous superfluous apply because the applicant eventually will come for an interview and then identity becomes known.
by Bianca Brasser/ © Metro
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