It is an extremely painful affair for political Hague: Group leaders have had a visit from the criminal investigation department for an investigation into the leak of secret information. Unprecedented, says political reporter Frits Wester: "The group leaders suspect one another of a crime."
The story came out Tuesday morning by De Telegraaf. Group Chairmen have been heard to find out who had leaked from the Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services, the so-called 'secret commission'. Sources confirmed the story on Yahoo! News. Frits Wester answers five questions about this painful issue:
1. How did this affair?
"That was over a year ago The protagonist was minister Ronald Plasterk He said in late 2013 that US intelligence had collected 1.8 million Belgian data from the Netherlands, but a few months later withdrew Plasterk those words again:... It were not the Americans, but the Dutch secret services which the data were collected. The House was furious. The opposition even said trusting in Plasterk. The minister apologized and remained at his post. "
2. But that was not listed?
"No. After the debate led to a new debate. Newspapers reported that the group chairmen on the committee Secretly had been informed about the error Plasterk. That report was later denied by the commission itself. What remained was confusion. Who knew exactly What? RTL Nieuws initiated a proceeding under the Open Government Act (WOB) to get the minutes of the commission. But that remained a secret. "
3. And then?
"Then silence. Until today remained. Now shows that the chairman of the committee secretly VVD faction leader Zijlstra, then filed a report of leaks. And that's very special. This I have never experienced before. It is at Parliament Buildings everything leaked, there is nothing new. But now suspect the chairmen together so a crime. Such a declaration has not occurred before in the national department regarding this committee. "
4. And how did the politics out there today?
"Everybody is very cramped. Clear answers are not there. Only Labour leader Diederik Samson denies he leaked."
5. How will this end?
"It's very difficult to say. The prosecution has not yet come up with an explanation. Maybe that happens today.
It should become clear whether there was any basis for suspicion. Usually learn this kind of research not succeed. But should now be the case, then the turnips are tender. The leaking of such secrets may even yield years of imprisonment. "
RTL News / © Reuters
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