America wants the Netherlands to participate in the bombing terror group Islamic State in Syria. The US has the official request made tonight Netherlands.
This is reported by sources close to the defense minister on Yahoo! News.
Now only in Iraq
The territory controlled by IS is located in Iraq and in Syria. Until now attacking our fighters extremists of Islamic State in Iraq only at the request of the Iraqi government. The Netherlands has always said so far there is no mandate to bomb Syria.
Hennis Minister of Defence is currently in the US There they would have been asked of her American colleague Carter. The minister would not confirm the request, but says it was "no secret" that America wants it as much as possible coalition partners contribute in both Syria and Iraq. At present, six countries conduct strikes on Syria.
"Probably that the Netherlands will participate '
According to political reporter Jos Heymans there is sufficient support in parliament. Syria bombing was hitherto sensitive because coalition party PvdA is against. "Now there is an official request to the reply from the Chamber actually only be positive," said Heymans.
RTL Nieuws/© AFP
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