Over 2,500 girls in the Netherlands called Isis, a name given because of associations with terrorist movement IS a negative connotation. Dorinda Jansen changed for that reason the name of her daughter Isis to Isabella. Even though Isis was never bullied her name.
The straw that broke the camel's back for Dorinda mother, arrived two weeks ago. "Then Facebook suddenly decided to throw away all girls named Isis of Facebook." Without notice, you were removed, she tells RTL Late Night.
"You could then be back on Facebook if you could identify." That was Dorinda go very far. "And just at that moment the attacks took place in Paris." When the parents of Isis decided to change her name. "
'Self great difficulty'
The popularity of the maiden Isis, which have grown enormously in the years after 2000, since the rise of terrorist movement IS fallen sharply. Yet Isis was never actually spoken to her name. "Not at all. And then we were told we were going to change the name, some said they had never established that link. But I had myself a lot of trouble with it."
She looks back at a time in an amusement park. With tears in her eyes tells Dorinda "I got rid of my daughter there it took only two minutes, but I was running and had its name from the cry.. Isis, Isis And then my mother said afterwards:" That must you no longer do. "People look for, they think there's something going on. You feel they look."
Source: Meertens Institute
Dorinda and her husband left Isis choose with what new name they wanted. "We thought of Iris, Isa, Liza. But she would not. Or else Eliza, her second name, but she did not. My husband suggested Bella before, but in doing so I must think like a cow. Sorry for all people named Bella! But as we came out on Isabella. And our daughter was in effect totally enthusiastic. "
New birth
They had made a new birth, then with Isabella it, instead of Isis. "I wanted per se, for the list and for the future. I am so relieved that they now called Isabella and I can just call her on the street."
The name change was quite difficult to do. "It was definitely not easy. You need to change it leave through the courts, it is a process. But I want to be happy in her passport, then it should be through official channels. Isabella's name is not yet official. I hope they approve it, the court decides in the end. "
Itself do they use the new name already. It took some getting used to. "But am I mistaken now become no more!"
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