Russian President Vladimir Putin has lashed out hard in his annual address to Turkey. He promises that the Turkish President Recep Erdogan will regret for a long time of the shooting down of a Russian fighter last week.
"Whoever thinks that it will continue with economic sanctions, making a big mistake. The Turkish assistance to terrorists, I will not ignore. We know that Turkey stolen oil purchases from terrorists who pay for it, in turn weapons with them. This attack has on our citizens and France, Mali and Lebanon, "Putin said during a speech this morning for guests.
Putin says not to join the war propaganda. "We will never forget what Turkey has done. I have no idea why they did it, only Allah knows why. Perhaps Allah has decided the Turks to punish them by taking away their mental health."
Snub to the West
Furthermore, the Russian president had no good word for the way he says the situation in the Middle East has emerged. "Countries must comply no double standards when it comes to terror, some use the existence of terrorist groups for their own purposes. We all know who decided regimes to overthrow and the people to impose their own rules," Putin said on Iraq, Syria and Libya. A clear snub to the western countries.
According to correspondent Marloes de Koning in Turkey, the Turks, all those Russian accusations not just let go on their side. "The Turks have in the past week retained a lot. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu talks about the ancient tradition of Russian propaganda and lies of the Russians. So they do go a bit in the counterattack."
Fear that gas valve closes
But it is also difficult for the Turks to defend themselves against good, says King. "The difficult thing for the Turks is that what the Russians did not say one hundred percent false. For example, the accusation that IS oil markets via Turkey, yeah that'll best occasionally have happened. Just as IS also manages to sell eg oil via the Assad regime, the boyfriend of Russia in Syria. It's all very complex. "
When the Turks is the biggest fear that the gas is shut off by the Russians. "Turkey is trying to take precautions. The gas supply is increased and we are looking at other options in other countries."
RTL News / © AFP
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