Klijnsma Minister (PvdA) of Social Affairs, with four municipalities discuss experiments with assistance rules.
People on welfare are disturbed by the rules, controls and penalties designed to let people apply. Many communities believe that a friendly approach works better and costs less entails, according to an article in the Volkskrant.
Klijnsma points experiments not off in advance and has four municipalities already twice held talks Groningen, Wageningen, Utrecht and Tilburg. Next week a new appointment on the program, with the four possible come with one or more proposals.
Participation Act
Klijnsma will then decide whether they can accept them. It is important that the proposals reflect the letter and spirit of the participation Act, says a spokesman. To galvanize people on benefits to look for a job.
In addition to these four municipalities, the municipality of Eindhoven reported to the Ministry. According to the article in the Volkskrant, a further twelve municipalities plan to approach welfare recipients differently than at present.
http://nos.nl/ Photo: Reuters
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