The paintings were stolen ten years ago from the West Frisian Museum in Hoorn have surfaced in Ukraine.
According to the museum's art "plaything in an opaque political force, in which there is an internal struggle for power." The Westfriesmuseum cares about 10:30 a press conference about the case.
It is about 24 works by Dutch painters, which are worth several million together. A Ukrainian militia, which has owned the work, it requires tens of millions for, writes De Telegraaf.
According to the newspaper the fighters hit the artworks in a villa in the east of Ukraine. It is not clear how they got in there. The militia leader this summer informed the Dutch embassy in the discovery, which then contacted the West Frisian Museum.
Roof Art Expert Arthur Brand, which in January already claimed to be the paintings on the track, on behalf of the museum traveled to the Ukraine to negotiate the paintings. He was speaking to the militia leader, but it did not come to a deal. Then diluted contact with the warrior.
Brutal burglary in 2005
The artworks were on the night of 9 to January 10, 2005 stolen from the West Frisian Museum. Thieves had let them embed in the building and the security system off. These include to works by Jan van Goyen in 1632 and Hendrik Bogaert from 1671-1675. The value of the stolen collection was estimated ten years ago about 10 million euros. NOS reporter Pauline Broekema create in 2005 a topic about the burglary.
Former director of the Westfriesmuseum Spruijt Ruud is happy to turn up the paintings again. He was director in 2005 when the works were stolen. "It may not Rembrandts, but the paintings are very important for Horn and the West Frisian Museum. It was a big loss, right before my retirement," Sprout said in the NOS Radio 1 Journal.
Sprout is not surprised that working abroad have fallen. "So go the circuits. It is often pointed directly to the Arab world, but also Ukraine and Russia emerge. It roams around, it is sold and eventually hangs by a rich foreigner on the wall." Photo: Reuters
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