In 2040 there will be 1.4 million Dutch people who have had a heart attack or a stroke or suffering from heart failure. That is over half a million more than now. Until 2040 the population is expected to increase by nearly a million people.
This is evident from calculations of the RIVM for the Heart Foundation.
In 2011 there were 850 000 patients who have had a heart attack or stroke or suffering from heart failure. After cancer, cardiovascular diseases are the number two cause of death in the Netherlands.In 2014, 38 000 deceased Dutch it. The total cost of care for patients with cardiovascular disease amounts according to the Foundation for over 8 billion per year.
Researchers at the RIVM based on population projections from Statistics Netherlands and based on data include the number of smokers, the number of people with cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure or high cholesterol in 2011, calculated how it looks like in 2040.
Furthermore, they calculated what changes to this outlook on certain assumptions.
The aging contributes significantly contribute to the increase in the number of people with cardiovascular disease, but its real reason is primarily an unhealthy lifestyle. A too high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, overweight, lack of exercise, and smoking play a particularly important role in the development of cardiovascular diseases.
The good news is that the increase in the number of cardiovascular patients is prevented. If all Dutch would get their blood pressure at the right level, then it saves in 2040 according to the RIVM 360 000 cardiovascular patients. And if everyone stops smoking saves a further 320,000 patients in 2040.
But with less ambitious objectives is to bring a lot of health benefits. By increasing exercise, losing weight if you are overweight, smoke less and eat healthier. Prevention therefore. © FLICKR / Proimos / CC BY-NC 2.0
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